My sister is such an Idiot!! Thank dog we are not related by blood. The perimeter is secure at the store. There has not been a squirrel attack or bird fly-overs for many days now.
Now, at home is where I am needed!!! There are way more birds and squirrels at our new headquarters than the old one in the city. For example at 0400 hours this morning a rabbit tried to enter the perimeter of our HQ. I and I alone was awake to alert everyone of the eminent danger. My warnings fell on deaf ears. 0430 hours the rabbit re-appeared I alerted the female General in the house to let me go out and secure the perimeter. Again my request was not granted. 0630 I was finally granted access to the exterior grounds of the HQ. The birds had already started their aerial assault . They were positioned in the trees and along the fence barrier. It took a great amount of effort to clear the area. My sister, Zoe, was playing with rocks as usual. I think they fell out of her head while she was shaking off after a bath one day. There was no sign as to the new location of the rabbit I observed earlier. While patrolling the exterior, I had to disperse an unlawful gathering of squirrels. They are not allowed with-in the walls!!! (nothing really is…) They were conspiring to have the chipmunks be the new leader. Chipmunks have been responsible for many of the attacks on HQ.
I will keep you posted on the current situations involving our HQ. You understand I can not talk about ongoing or future missions. I will let you know when after they have been cleared for public eyes.
Roll over and Out